Friday, 24 April 2009

New Kit.

So, I bought myself a new flashgun.
Bagged myself a Canon 430EX II.


I can't wait to take it out and see what results I get.


  1. Nice, How much all that cost you?

  2. Ummmm, I'd say, there is easily over a grands worth of equipment there.

    The flashgun was about £200 and something.
    Freaking worth it. ^__^ I haven't bought any new equipment for a while.

    The camera was £550 on Jessops discount (at the time in 2007), the battery pack was a 21st present from my Dad as was the Sigma lens. Well, that was more a random gift because he didn't use it as much.

    Usually, that battery pack is worth around £150 and the sigma lens, £175 on average.

    Crazy stuff.
    Best things I've EVER bought. And my Mac. =$
